American Peony Society Awards

Awards For Peonies

Award Of Landscape Merit (ALM)

This award is bestowed by the American Peony Society. To earn this ward a variety is expected to stand well through various weather conditions and to have superior ornamental qualities when measured against the accepted standards for which peonies are wanted. This must hold true from year to year performance across the United State’s peony growing regions.

Best In Show

It is awarded each year at the American Peony Society national convention. The show is open to amateurs and professionals alike, who may enter cut flower stems from all groups of peonies for consideration. A panel of judges evaluates each stem in the various classes and divisions. In each class awards are given to the most worthy flowers that meet certain criteria. The winning flower (blue ribbon winner) from each division is selected for further evaluation, and judges evaluate among the blue ribbon winners the Court of Honor champions. From those top winners the final selection is made and the Best of Show or “Queen of the Show” peony is awarded.

Gold Medal Award (GM)

Exceptional peonies have long been recognized by the American Peony Society by way of awarding medals and certificates. In this scheme of things the Gold Medal has always been considered the ultimate accolade for the best peony flower.


1923Mrs. A. M. Brand (Brand, 1925)
1933A. B. Franklin (Franklin, 1928)
1933Mrs. J.V. Edlund (Edlund, 1929)
1934Harry F. Little (Nicholls, 1933)
1941Nick Shaylor (Allison, 1931)
1943Elsa Sass (Sass, 1930)
1946Golden Glow (Glasscock, 1935)
1946Hansina Brand (Brand, 1925)
1948Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Franklin, 1932)
1949Doris Cooper (Cooper, 1946)
1956Miss America (Mann-van Steen, 1936)
1956Red Charm (Glasscock, 1944)
1957Kansas (Bigger, 1940)
1959Moonstone (Murawska, 1943)
1971Miss America (Mann-van Steen, 1936)
1972Nick Shaylor (Allison, 1931)
1973Age of Gold T.P. (Saunders)
1974Walter Mains (Mains, 1957)
1975Bu-Te (Wassengerg, 1954)
1980Cytherea (Saunders, 1953)
1981Bowl of Cream (C.G. Klehm, 1963)
1982Westerner (Bigger, 1942)
1983Chinese Dragon (Saunders, 1948)
1984Dolorodell (Lins, 1942)
1985Burma Ruby (Glasscock, 1851)
1986Coral Charm (Wissing, 1964)
1987Norma Volz (Volz, 1962)
1988Paula Fay (Fay, 1968)
1989High Noon (Saunders, 1952 TP)
1990Sea Shell (Sass, 1937)
1991White Cap (Winchell, 1966)
1992America (Rudolph, 1976)
1993None Awarded
1994Mother’s Choice (Glasscock, 1950)
1994Shintenchi (Japan – Honorary)
1994Pillow Talk (Carl Klehm, 1968)
1995Sparkling Star (Bigger, 1953)
1996Garden Treasure (Hollingsworth, 1984)
1997Old Faithful (Glasscock/Falk, 1964)
1998Myra Macrae (R. W. Tischler, 1967)
1999Ludovica (Saunders, 1941)
2000Pink Hawaiian Coral (Klehm, 1972)
2001Early Scout (Auten, 1952)
2002Etched Salmon (Cousins/Klehm, 1981)
2003Coral Sunset (Wissing, 1981)
2004Do Tell (Auten, 1946)
2005Angel Cheeks (Klehm, C.G., 1970)
2006Bartzella (Anderson, 1986)
2007Many Happy Returns (Hollingsworth, 1986)
2008Salmon Dream (David Reath, 1979)
2009Hephestos (Daphnis, 1977)
2010Buckeye Belle (Mains, 1956)
2011Amalia Olson (Olson, 1959)
2012Topeka Garnet (Bigger, 1975)
2013The Mackinac Grand (Reath, 1992)
2014Leda (Daphnis, 1977)
2015Mahogany (Glasscock, 1937)
2016Eliza Lundy (Krekler, 1976)
2017Lois’ Choice (Laning, 1993)
2018Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar (Friend, 1996)
2019Angel Emily (Seidl/Bremer, 2013)
2020Hillary (Anderson, 1999)
2021Joker (Bockstoce, Landis, Rogers 2004)
2022Pastelegance (Seidl, 1989)
2023Gay Paree (Auten, 1933)
2024Dreamtime (Seidle/Bremer), 2013)